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 Ryback May Not Actually Be Injured

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Ryback May Not Actually Be Injured  Empty
PostSubject: Ryback May Not Actually Be Injured    Ryback May Not Actually Be Injured  EmptyWed Aug 27, 2014 5:34 pm

- As reported on Monday, Ryback and then deleted a Tweet saying that he was dealing with "stuff that needed to be fixed" and would be "going away for awhile." This was seemingly confirmed on WWE Main Event last night, when Michael Cole said Ryback is injured and will be out of action for a few weeks.

However, PWInsider (via WZ) reports that Ryback's actual status is unclear, with multiple WWE sources contending that Ryback isn't actually hurt not scheduled for time off. Obviously this conflicts with what Cole said (which was commented on by Adam Rose and Curtis Axel on the show), so he may be off even if he's not legitimately injured.

As you may have noticed in the initial tweet before it was wiped, there was an action figure of him on a set of steps over a fallen CM Punk figure, with the tweet including the message "sorry, Punk." The site's sources say this seems to have been a bit of a shot at Punk in relation to Ryback botching a spot back in 2012 where he was supposed to put the Straight-Edge Superstar through a table, resulting in Punk hitting the floor and getting hurt. 

Read more at http://www.411mania.com/wrestling/news/333397/Ryback-May-Not-Actually-Be-Injured.htm#TE3gw9QQ5dCbEltP.99
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Ryback May Not Actually Be Injured  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ryback May Not Actually Be Injured    Ryback May Not Actually Be Injured  EmptyThu Aug 28, 2014 1:37 am

How is it "a shot at Punk" to apologize for hurting him?
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