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 Activision's Destiny Boasts $500 Million In Sales To Stores

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Activision's Destiny Boasts $500 Million In Sales To Stores Empty
PostSubject: Activision's Destiny Boasts $500 Million In Sales To Stores   Activision's Destiny Boasts $500 Million In Sales To Stores EmptyWed Sep 10, 2014 5:45 pm


Activision likes to go big on its franchises, and it looks like Destiny is set to join the company's elite ranks alongside Call of Duty. Activision says that Destiny has sold more than $500 million worldwide to stores.

While revenue to stores and through bundles isn't as impressive as the amount actually sold through to consumers, there's no doubt that Destiny is big business for Activision. Eric Hirshberg, Activision CEO, says the game is "the highest-selling day one digital console release in history." Hirshberg didn't cite specific numbers, but if this is correct it certainly indicates that the game and the franchise has a very bright future.

The $500 million figure is also relevant because it's what Activision has said Destiny would cost factoring in marketing, packaging, royalties, and other costs.

In an interview with Game Informer early this year (issue 249), Hirshberg explained the company's philosophy of betting big on a small number of franchises. "I think sometimes publishers take the false security in having a wide slate and having a game in every single category," he said. "If you do fewer things, you can generally focus on them more and hopefully make them better."

"The ambition and the scope of [Destiny] require that. In order to do it right, there's only one way to do it. You have to go big."
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Activision's Destiny Boasts $500 Million In Sales To Stores

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