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 PROMO | TK and Black Dragon - "Reminiscence"

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PROMO | TK and Black Dragon - "Reminiscence"  Empty
PostSubject: PROMO | TK and Black Dragon - "Reminiscence"    PROMO | TK and Black Dragon - "Reminiscence"  EmptyTue Jun 10, 2014 7:01 pm

DUE: Sunday, June 15th at midnight EST (UTC -4 Hours)


PROMO | TK and Black Dragon - "Reminiscence"  FJBloTX
PROMO | TK and Black Dragon - "Reminiscence"  Rmt9lhM
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StraightEdge Rurouni
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PROMO | TK and Black Dragon - "Reminiscence"  Empty
PostSubject: Re: PROMO | TK and Black Dragon - "Reminiscence"    PROMO | TK and Black Dragon - "Reminiscence"  EmptyFri Jun 20, 2014 10:37 am

The fans in the Scottrade Center are getting settled back down as they prepare for the next big match of the night as the livelihood of this year’s Hall of Fame Inductees is putting his career on the line.  The titantron lights up as it shows the Evolution of Man walking through the backstage area on his way to the ring.  His ring attire is a throwback to his very first match as he wears long loose black pants.  A look of regret, yet determination on his face.  The screen splits as it shows Black Dragon also walking through the backstage area.  His expressionless mask says it all, as the fans prepare for the reality that they may finally see his face after four years in XWA.  

“Two men, both of them debuted in 2010, two brothers, one who went onto success, the other always in his shadow.”

“Stop trying to be dramatic Ted, you’re just being ridiculous.  I just can’t wait to see how ugly that fucker is.”

“Joey!  You do realize his entire identity relies on that mask!  He’s spent four years, FOUR YEARS, in that mask.  He may not even remember what he looks like.”

“Probably doesn’t want to remember.”

The fans are ready as the clips of the two disappear as the lights in the arena dim down before showing a flashback for everyone.  

“The crowd goes crazy, as T.K. lifts up Bruno and sets up for what looks like a powerbomb, as T.K. hooks the arms, and then lifts him up.  He slams Bruno to the ground with the Tiger Bomb landing a slam right on Bruno’s neck.  He pins him from that position “1…2…3””

Following this short clip, the sound of a piano slowly turns on over the PA system as the hit song Hall of Fame begins to play followed by more clips following the career of the Grand Slam Champion.  Starting from his early dominance of victory after victory.  Followed by heartbreak as he’s defeated over and over. A short still of T.K. eyeing Mack angrily is shown before moving on as a giant censorship logo appears before displaying the Evolution of Man’s antics with the chaotic group CENSORED.  

“He picks up some of the broken glass from his failed attempt at the Closed Wings, taking care to use his left arm, which hadn’t been pierced by a piece of glass from that very move to do so.  The then goes back to his fallen foe, and starts to stab it into the tip of T.K.’s right shoulder, and slowly starting to carve a diagonal cut onto the back of the Evolution of Man.  The Virginian lets out a complete cry of horror as he feels himself being stabbed literally in the back as the Rubix Cube methodically continues to possibly scar his rival and friend’s back with a broken piece of glass…”

Highlights of the brutal match that many argue influenced his career continue before moving onto a moment well remembered in the history books.  

“The crowd is alive and buzzing as T.J. isnt’ even able to defend himself as he’s being nailed by haymaker blow after haymaker blow, his face already starting to swell up and get cut open as he seems to be rocked and rocked badly!  The Evolution of Man just won’t stop though as he continues to slam down his ground and pound strikes, leaving the champions face as a bloody mess of what it used to be.  Finally it seems that the official is going to step in as its clearly obvious that Thunder is either knocked out, or at the very least unable to continue as he waves T.K. off before signaling for the bell!”

The clip transitions to T.K. as he raises his first title, the Intercontinental Championship above his head, before following the trail of destruction he left behind after winning it.  

“The hope in the crowd dies now as T.K. drops down onto the Insane One and slams elbow strike after bloody elbow strike into the already gory mess that is left of Nate, who may have been knocked unconscious from the impact, this fact not keeping the twenty year old from beating the hell out of him with each and every strike before finally deciding that Insano won’t be troubling him anymore tonight.”

Moving on, the clips show T.K.’s dominance on XWA’s short lived project known as Desire as he knocked foe after foe down in the tournament to determine the new XWA Champion.  Finally displaying his success as he walks away from Jackpot victorious, carrying the world title with him.  From here, minor successes are shown before T.K.’s hiatus, followed by a return as the hall of famer finally struck down an enemy that has bugged him his entire career.  

“The Genetic Mutation may have just broken Razor in half from the landing, but its’ not over yet, not for Razor.  T.K. has a little something special for the former Vendetta GM, for the man who cost him his first title match, and his undefeated streak.  Without a thought of his own safety, T.K. leaps off the dumpster over the top rope as he hits his arms to his chest multiple times before landing his signature, and very rare, Aerial Adaptation, also known as the frogsplash!  

Until now, as it shows T.K.’s speech at the XWA Hall of Fame induction, humbly accepting before the clips die down, having reminded everyone of T.K.’s success in XWA.

“Tha-Sniff.. Was beautiful”

“Joey, are you crying?”

“NO!  I was just eating this onion!”

“Joey, we don’t have any onions”

“Shut up”

The arena grows pitch black again before being lit back up as two columns of fire shoot out of the stage followed, not by Evolution, but another Korn signature as Here to Stay blasts over the PA System.  The fans cheer as T.K. steps out between the flames, the Crimson Giant has arrived.  As the fire dies, the Evolution of Man walks to the ring.  The fans react wildly as the Hall of Famer prepares for what may be his last match ever.  The big man continues his tradition of stepping up onto the apron before simply pushing the top rope down and walking over it.  

“Introducing first, weighing in at 255 pounds, and standing at 6 feet, nine inches tall.  He is one of this years Hall of Fame inductees…. The Evolution of Man… T.K.!”

T.K. doesn’t bother catering, or insulting the fans.  Neither are something he cares about right now, he simply cares about what’s waiting for him as the lights go out once more.  This time as Buried plays and the fans react mixed as the entire stage lights up in a wall of blue fire.  Dragon runs through like a man on a mission as he charges down to the ring.  

“Introducing his opponent!  Weighing in at 210 pounds and standing at 6 feet and 3 inches tall.  He is a 2 time former XWA Tag Team Champion… The King of Darkness.. Black Dragon!”

The lights come back on as the King of Darkness slides into the ring, only stopping as the official stands between him and his brother.  Sanu looks like he’s about to shit his pants as the masked man only stops a few yards away from T.K. as the music dies down.  

“The following contest is an I Quit Match!  Should T.K. say the words “I Quit” he will retire from Professional Wrestling!  Should Black Dragon quit, he will be required to remove his mask.”

As the announcer stops speak, T.K. grabs the mic from him.  “Brother, this is your last chance.  As much as I’d love to see you walk without that mask.  That ‘identity’ of yours as it were.  I don’t want to do what I’m going to do tonight.  I will not give up, not for you, not for anyone when it means giving up the one thing I have in this world.  So I offer you just this one chance to back off and go home.”

T.K. motions the mic forward for Dragon to take.  The younger brother stares at him for a moment before grabbing the mic. “After four years, even longer if you count before I came here looking for you, and now you want to reconcile.  Now you want me to back away?  You aren’t even sorry for what you’ve done are you?  No.  I will make you sorry.  I will make you suffer the way I did in that asylum.  I will teach you what it means to truly be forsaken.  I will make you give up the one thing that matters to you.  Only then, will we be even.. brother.”

Dragon stops talking now, before lunging forward and hitting his elder brother upside the head with the mic as Sanu backs away to call for the bell.
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The Downward Spiral
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PROMO | TK and Black Dragon - "Reminiscence"  Empty
PostSubject: Re: PROMO | TK and Black Dragon - "Reminiscence"    PROMO | TK and Black Dragon - "Reminiscence"  EmptyFri Jun 20, 2014 10:57 am

Great promo! Excited to read the match now.

Also, this line "Sanu looks like he’s about to shit his pants" made this promo even better
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Learn Maturity
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PROMO | TK and Black Dragon - "Reminiscence"  Empty
PostSubject: Re: PROMO | TK and Black Dragon - "Reminiscence"    PROMO | TK and Black Dragon - "Reminiscence"  EmptyFri Jun 20, 2014 6:16 pm

I don't want T.K. to have to leave, so I'm going to have to root for him. I bet Black Dragon is secretly Orakniman though. Like he'll remove the mask and a guy wearing Orakniman's mask will be underneath >_>.
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