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 Jake Evanston

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Jake Evanston Empty
PostSubject: Jake Evanston   Jake Evanston EmptySun Sep 21, 2014 1:37 am

Name: Jake Evanston
Nickname: N/A
From: Bridgeport, Connecticut
Height: 6'2
Weight: 220
Age: 22
Class: Face

Pic Base: Pre-WWE CM Punk
Theme: "Stronger" by TRUSTcompany

Example of Entrance: The thunderous drums of "Stronger" pound through the PA system before the full band roars into the song with a high level of energy. Feeling the surge of the anthem, Evanston enters the arena from the curtain, lively as ever. He slaps the fans' hands as he hops down the ramp before entering the ring.

Style: Evanston, though young, has been in the industry for some years now, having thrust himself in at a young age to deal with his girlfriend Veronica leaving him. He has since quelled that part of his life and has been a more focused competitor. Though his technique isn't superb, he does know a fair few submission holds. He won't often work toward them, however, and applies them when needed. As a brawler, he will through his limbs out haphazardly with no real technique. His go-to barebones brawling moves are often knee strikes and forearms. He is able to emplore an array of throws (listed below) and high impact maneuvers. Evanston loves taking to the air but isn't particularly gymnastic in his approach. He simply uses his body as a weapon during matches.

Knee Strikes
Shining Wizard

Regular Moves:
Complete Shot
Ankle Lock
Leaping Cutter
Sunset Flip Powerbomb
Curb Stomp

Double Knee Facebreaker
Suicide Plancha
Fujiwara Armbar

"Phoenix in Flight" - Shooting Star Knee Drop
"Phoenix in Flames" - Triangle Choke

Hope to accomplish: Jake Evanston wants t reestablish himself in the mainstream wrestling world after having his break during his first year as a wrestler and breaking under the pressure.


Before Wrestling: Jake Evanston was a bright young man growing up in the affluent suburbs of Bridgeport, Connecticut, having a perfect girlfriend in Veronica. However, she left him and he was almost torn asunder with emotion. He stopped with his former life and decided to join pro wrestling to deal with the loss of his girlfriend and to possibly win her back.
Debut to XWA:

I'm back.
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Motherfucking SETONIAN!
Motherfucking SETONIAN!

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Jake Evanston Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jake Evanston   Jake Evanston EmptySun Sep 21, 2014 1:43 am

Welcome back. Hope you'll stick around Smile
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Love Bites
Love Bites

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Jake Evanston Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jake Evanston   Jake Evanston EmptySun Sep 21, 2014 1:45 am

Welcome back.

Jake Evanston MJFR42R
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Jake Evanston Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jake Evanston   Jake Evanston Empty

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Jake Evanston

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