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 M4 | Drake Dysfunction vs. Marquis Carter

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M4 | Drake Dysfunction vs. Marquis Carter Empty
PostSubject: M4 | Drake Dysfunction vs. Marquis Carter   M4 | Drake Dysfunction vs. Marquis Carter EmptyTue Jun 10, 2014 3:06 am

DUE: Sunday, June 15th at midnight EST (UTC -4 Hours)


M4 | Drake Dysfunction vs. Marquis Carter FJBloTX
M4 | Drake Dysfunction vs. Marquis Carter Rmt9lhM
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M4 | Drake Dysfunction vs. Marquis Carter Empty
PostSubject: Re: M4 | Drake Dysfunction vs. Marquis Carter   M4 | Drake Dysfunction vs. Marquis Carter EmptySun Jun 15, 2014 11:28 pm

The bell rings and the match starts with both men circulating each other, locking each other in the eye like two lions with a piece of meat between them. Drake tries to run at Marquis, looking to catch him with a quick Clothesline but Marquis ducks craftily, before hooking his foe's arm and pulling him to a Fireman's Carry, spinning him out for the F5 and the Three count!
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M4 | Drake Dysfunction vs. Marquis Carter Empty
PostSubject: Re: M4 | Drake Dysfunction vs. Marquis Carter   M4 | Drake Dysfunction vs. Marquis Carter EmptySun Jun 15, 2014 11:46 pm


The bell chimes three times as this singles match gets underway, the "Black Machine" Marquis Carter squaring it off against the "Demolitionist" Drake Dysfunction for the first time ever.

Ted Cedar
"Well, folks, this is a--"

Joey Miles
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa....lemme guess: 'another special treat'?!

Ted Cedar
"Well, it IS the first time these two have squared off. Marquis didn't exactly come out on the positive side of things on the LAST edition of Vendetta. Let's see if he'll turn things around tonight! Try not to cut me off next time, please?"

Joey Miles
"Right after you try not being so fucking FAT!"

The two superstars have sprung into motion, encircling the inside of the squared circle, hands raised in front of their faces, measuring each other's movements to see if there's some kind of opening. As usual, both men lunge at each other and embrace in a collar-and-elbow tie up, where, currently, the Black Machine is gaining the upper hand somewhat as Drake inches further and further, taking a couple of steps backwards. In an instant, however, the former Intercontinental Champion turns it around on Marquis, sidestepping Marquis and catching him so off-guard that the sudden exchange from attempting to push someone back-first into a corner to not doing it at all causes Carter to stumble forwards a little, luckily catching himself and managing to stay on his feet rather fall face-flat onto the mat.

Drake, now-behind Marquis sweeps him from behind, making Marquis tumble backwards, performing a schoolboy roll-up in the process.

Ryu Sanu


And Marquis kicks out, managing to kip up to where he's got himself balanced on both knees, staring up at Drake Dysfunction who merely shows him a display, using his hand, of how close he was to getting the quick win. This cocky, conceited display from the Demolitionist earns him a nod from the Black Machine who hails from St. Louis, Missouri as he instantly kips up from his knees to the soles of his feet before lunging at the former champion with a stiff clothesline.

Joey Miles
"See?! I knew Marquis wasn't gonna fucking take that! Not today, Drakie. Not to-fucking-day!!!"

Drake having been rattled by that sudden clothesline gets pulled up to his feet via Marquis reaching down and taking him by the head. Drake is shows that he's groggy at first but instantly snaps back into action, surprising young Marquis Carter with a left-handed jab to the side of the jaw, a hard-snapping shot that sends Marquis stumbling backwards into the ropes. Bouncing slightly off the ropes is Marquis, suddenly balling his fist and grunting as he lets the fist fly into the face of the Demolitionist, returning the favor as DRAKE now stumbles backwards a few feet. Marquis quickly back strides his way into the ropes, bouncing off of them and breaking off into a sprint....that is until Drake catches him by surprise by leaping into the air and sending the soles of his feet into the mush, stopping Carter in his tracks with a perfectly placed dropkick. Marquis Carter smacks his back hard against canvas, even falling victim to a bit of whiplash as the back of his head smacks the canvas as well. Whilst he favors the back of the head, Drake is setting up for some more offense, awaiting for the Black Machine to get to a footed base. So far, Marq is on his hands and knees working his way up, but Drake is rather the impatient one, springing into motion once he sees the opening he wants. He bumrushes Marquis, catching him off guard and sending him tumbling down onto his side, grounding him on the canvas once more. From there, Marquis lays on his back and Dysfunction mounts the Missourian and begins unleashing a flurry of punches.

Ryu Sanu requests order in this match and is not having this farce of dominance in a fully-sanctioned singles match. He attempts to demand his way as he yells at Drake Dysfunction to cease with the flurry. Dysfunction is not relenting though, so Ryu has to take things into his own hands as he is required to do most of the time in matches here in the XWA anyway. He grabs Drake in a full-nelson hold, using this to pull him off the black wrestler and then releasing the hold whilst shoving him away muchto the surprise on Drake Dysfunction's face. Dysfunction is more surprised than pissed, but he shows how pissed he is as he begins barking at Ryu Sanu, to which Ryu simply responds by crossing his arms and giving him a smirk as if he's just daring him to do anything physical to him. Ryu doesn't really care whatever happens because, at the end of the night, he gets paid anyway whether he's forced to throw out the match or not. Drake actually gets up close and personal with Ryu, Ryu not budging an inch, remaining in-place with the same stance; arms crossed and prominently-shown smirk. All of a sudden, Drake immediately turns his attention, but too late I'm afraid. He becomes a victim of the big boot maneuver courtesy of Marquis Carter, the sole of Marquis' boot catching Drake right between the eyes and dropping him back-first onto the canvas. From there, Marquis quickly drops over his fallen opponent as Ryu Sanu drops down to the mat to perform the three-count.

Ryu Sanu



KICKOUT BY DRAKE! And a hard one at that, too. It's not like Ryu performed a fast count or anything nor is it like him to do so. Even IF a superstar gets in his face or piss him off, he makes sure to call it "right down the middle" each and every single time, much to the disappointment of Marquis Carter. We haven't really mentioned the presence of Marquis' manager Demetrius Marshall, who stands on the outside of the ring watching all this go on like a manager usually does. He has no important choice words for his "managee" other than "STAY ON HIM. DON'T LET THAT NEAR FALL DETER YOU FROM BEING A BAD-ASS". Pretty good choice words if you ask me.

Ted Cedar
"Marquis needs to keep his head in the game here. That momentary distraction didn't get him the win, so he's gotta maintain his focus."

Joey Miles
"'Focus-shmokus'! He's got Drake right where he wants him!"

And he certainly does as he attempts to end it right here quick and sound. He stands on his feet, taunting Drake to get up on his feet. Drake struggles a bit to stand, but he clumsily does so anyway, looking like he's gonna fall in a couple of instances in this display of fortitude, but he maintains on his feet nonetheless....that is until he turns around and, before you know it, Marquis scoops him off the ground and now carries the Demolitionist on his shoulders.

Joey Miles
"OH SHIT! Marquis Carter is lookin' to hit the 'Pizza Maker' here, and no, he ain't makin' ACTUAL pizza, neither, fat ass!"

Ted Cedar
"Oh would you shut up and call the match!"

Joey Miles
"Well, this match might be over in just a couple of more seconds!!"

Drake looks like he's in trouble here, for in mere seconds, it could very-well be over here. Marquis looks to now-spin him off the shoulder into the face-plant that leads to the completion of the 'Pizza Maker' maneuver much to the glee of his manager Demetrius....but all attempts of this are thwarted by the repeated elbows to the side of Marquis' head. These elbows are enough to cause Marquis to lose his grip on Dysfunction enough for Drake to hop off the shoulders of the Black Machine. The elbow shots leave Marquis dazed and groggy, turning around now to face the Demolitionist when all of a sudden


As if it were David Michaels in this match right now, Drake catches Marquis out of nowhere with the superkick simply known as the 'Dysfunction Kick'. It's this lethal kick that meets the jaw of Marquis and ultimately causes him to smack the canvas hard, back-first. Following that slick move, Drake drops over Marquis, hooking the leg in order for Ryu Sanu to make the count.

Ryu Sanu




Laura Watts
"Ladies and gentlemen, your winner of the match; DRAKE DYSFUNCTION!!!!"

'Whatever' by Godsmack plays throughout the venue as Drake rises to his feet, getting his hand raised by Ryu Sanu in victory.
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