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 Reason Behind Damien Sandow & Alicia Fox Segments on Raw Pre-Show & WWE App This Monday

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Reason Behind Damien Sandow & Alicia Fox Segments on Raw Pre-Show & WWE App This Monday Empty
PostSubject: Reason Behind Damien Sandow & Alicia Fox Segments on Raw Pre-Show & WWE App This Monday   Reason Behind Damien Sandow & Alicia Fox Segments on Raw Pre-Show & WWE App This Monday EmptyWed May 14, 2014 11:24 am

In case you missed last night's WWE Raw pre-show on the Network, or don't follow along with the WWE mobile app, both Damien Sandow and Alicia Fox made some noise yesterday. Sandow "hijacked" the pre-show and cut a shoot-style promo about being forced to wear a stupid costume – they actually cut his microphone, and Sandow had to talk through Josh Matthews lapel mic. Alicia Fox was also featured in a backstage segment with Stephanie McMahon after going crazy and venting her frustrations on the announce table.

The reason why these segments took place – other than good exposure for two under-utilized talents – is that WWE wants to push their second-screen devices and pre-show/post-show platforms by running angles to and from live television. The feeling is that those watching the pre-show were more likely to tune into Sandow's segment on Raw, and with advertising Alicia on the app after her meltdown, more people were likely to download or tune in on their mobile devices.
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Reason Behind Damien Sandow & Alicia Fox Segments on Raw Pre-Show & WWE App This Monday

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