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 Jordan: 'Was against all white people' as teen

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Jordan: 'Was against all white people' as teen Empty
PostSubject: Jordan: 'Was against all white people' as teen   Jordan: 'Was against all white people' as teen EmptyWed May 07, 2014 1:52 pm


Quote :

Michael Jordan reveals his past struggles with racism in a biography released Tuesday.

In the book, titled "Michael Jordan: The Life," Jordan describes to author Roland Lazenby how growing up in the 1970s in North Carolina -- where he said the Ku Klux Klan was dominant -- shaped his views on race.

Those views were strengthened after he watched the miniseries "Roots" and learned about the suffering of his African-American ancestors.

The tipping point, Jordan said, came in 1977, when a girl at his school called him the N-word.

"So I threw a soda at her," Jordan says in the book, excerpts of which were detailed in the New York Post. "I was really rebelling. I considered myself a racist at the time. Basically, I was against all white people."

Suspended by the school for his actions, Jordan tells Lazenby that his mother intervened, urging him not to have racial hatred dominate his life.

Jordan also detailed how he was one of only two black players on the school baseball team and was called inferior while he played.

Now 51, Jordan went on to win six NBA titles with the Chicago Bulls. He also took a break from basketball to try his hand at professional baseball.

Former Bulls general manager Jerry Krause says in the book that Jordan was powered throughout his life by any negative experiences, including those in his childhood.

"He remembers everyone who ever didn't think he was going to be great," Krause said in an excerpt published by Foxsports.com. "He remembers every negative story that's ever been written about him."

The book's release comes one week after Jordan, the owner of the Charlotte Bobcats, spoke out against Los Angeles Clippers counterpart Donald Sterling, who was taped making racing comments last month and since has been banned by the NBA.

"As an owner, I'm obviously disgusted that a fellow team owner could hold such sickening and offensive views," Jordan said in a statement. "... As a former player, I'm completely outraged.

"There is no room in the NBA -- or anywhere else -- for the kind of racism and hatred that Mr. Sterling allegedly expressed. I am appalled that this type of ignorance still exists within our country and at the highest levels of our sport. In a league where the majority of players are African-American, we cannot and must not tolerate discrimination at any level."

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Dragon Fx
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Jordan: 'Was against all white people' as teen Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jordan: 'Was against all white people' as teen   Jordan: 'Was against all white people' as teen EmptyWed May 07, 2014 2:01 pm

Dead... Fail!
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Jordan: 'Was against all white people' as teen Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jordan: 'Was against all white people' as teen   Jordan: 'Was against all white people' as teen EmptyWed May 07, 2014 2:03 pm

Someone forgot to turn their sarcasm filter on today  Fail! 
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Jordan: 'Was against all white people' as teen Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jordan: 'Was against all white people' as teen   Jordan: 'Was against all white people' as teen EmptyWed May 07, 2014 2:22 pm

Racist ass motherfucker. Fail!


Jordan: 'Was against all white people' as teen FJBloTX
Jordan: 'Was against all white people' as teen Rmt9lhM
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Jordan: 'Was against all white people' as teen Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jordan: 'Was against all white people' as teen   Jordan: 'Was against all white people' as teen EmptyWed May 07, 2014 2:26 pm

Title reminded me of this.
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Jordan: 'Was against all white people' as teen Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jordan: 'Was against all white people' as teen   Jordan: 'Was against all white people' as teen EmptyWed May 07, 2014 2:27 pm

God damn it Kurt Angle
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Jordan: 'Was against all white people' as teen Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jordan: 'Was against all white people' as teen   Jordan: 'Was against all white people' as teen EmptyWed May 07, 2014 2:48 pm

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Dragon Fx
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Jordan: 'Was against all white people' as teen Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jordan: 'Was against all white people' as teen   Jordan: 'Was against all white people' as teen EmptyWed May 07, 2014 2:58 pm

Dead wrote:
Someone forgot to turn their sarcasm filter on today  Fail! 
*Sarcasm*says the guy who has made it seem as if white people are being oppressed in sports. Fail!
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Jordan: 'Was against all white people' as teen Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jordan: 'Was against all white people' as teen   Jordan: 'Was against all white people' as teen EmptyWed May 07, 2014 10:20 pm

So making fun of the fact that people cry racism every time something is said, even if it's not a big deal or slightly a big deal, is saying white people in sports are being oppressed?

Gonna play devil's advocate here and before everyone flips the fuck out and says i'm racist, read every single word i'm about to say. Every. Single. Word. I dont see color, some of my favorite players in sports arent white. I dont agree with half the shit white players say and i dont agree with half the shit black players say. In fact, i wish social media and things of that nature werent a thing so i wouldnt have to hear about who said what and how bad it was. That being said, i DO, however, see double standards when it comes to people in sports. Yes, Michael Jordan admitted he was a racist during his teenage years. Yes, he's not the same way now. But if someone like Mark Cuban came out and said that in an interview, or someone like Larry Bird, they would be crucified and thrown to the wolves. They would be accused of being racist to this day even if they've shown their ways have changed. Bar the Sterling situation where he deserved what he got, you can not honestly say that does not happen. Before people throw out stuff about "their history and slavery", it's 2014, and times should be different.

Every athlete, owner, coach etc should be held in the same regard. White & black americans, latinos, asians etc. It makes no difference. Again, i'm not saying Michael Jordan is a racist NOW, but everyone should be treated the same. One side shouldnt be able to say whatever they want without hefty repercussions while the other side is being condemned to hell for it.
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Jordan: 'Was against all white people' as teen Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jordan: 'Was against all white people' as teen   Jordan: 'Was against all white people' as teen EmptyWed May 07, 2014 10:29 pm

I'm not going to restate my position on this issue because I've already made myself clear. But acting like the double standards favor blacks is ridiculous and that whites are victims in sports is ridiculous.
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Jordan: 'Was against all white people' as teen Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jordan: 'Was against all white people' as teen   Jordan: 'Was against all white people' as teen EmptyWed May 07, 2014 10:31 pm

So double standards are okay? Gotcha. That's all i needed to read. I'll be exiting this thread now.
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Dragon Fx
Dragon Fx

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Jordan: 'Was against all white people' as teen Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jordan: 'Was against all white people' as teen   Jordan: 'Was against all white people' as teen EmptyWed May 07, 2014 10:50 pm

[quote="Dead[/mention] wrote:
It's like the situation with the Eagles. Riley Cooper drops the "N" word while being drunk in public and everyone wants him never to play football ever again, but fucking Desean Jackson is linked to gang activity (WHICH IS FAR WORSE THAN BEING AN IDIOT) and everyone comes to his defense and bashes the Eagles for releasing him. The amount of shit black athletes can apparently get away with is absurd

Oh, but u were playin' when you said this, right? I don\'t know

What proof do you or anyone else have that Jackson is in a gang?
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Jordan: 'Was against all white people' as teen Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jordan: 'Was against all white people' as teen   Jordan: 'Was against all white people' as teen EmptyWed May 07, 2014 11:18 pm

I agree with you on racial stuff in the big picture Dead (IE: All racism is bad, reverse racism is just as bad as racism, and that's rational.) but this wasn't necessary. These two things don't relate.


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Jordan: 'Was against all white people' as teen Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jordan: 'Was against all white people' as teen   Jordan: 'Was against all white people' as teen EmptyWed May 07, 2014 11:25 pm

Dead wrote:
So double standards are okay? Gotcha. That's all i needed to read. I'll be exiting this thread now.
Uhuh, so after this don't ever bitch about your words being "spun around". You obviously fail to sense your own hypocrisy. Don't ever bitch at Razor or anyone else for pointing out your utter bullshit.
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