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 Super Troopers 2 a Go

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Super Troopers 2 a Go Empty
PostSubject: Super Troopers 2 a Go   Super Troopers 2 a Go EmptyWed Apr 23, 2014 11:06 pm

On the latest episode of Chewin' It with Kevin and Steve - the Nerdist channel podcast featuring Broken Lizard troupe players Kevin Heffernan and Steve Lemme - the duo gave an official update on the hugely-ancipated/long-gestating sequel to their 2001 cult classic, Super Troopers.

"Super Troopers 2. It is happening," said Lemme.

Heffernan then added. "That's the next movie. People ask 'What's the next movie?' That's the next movie."

"The script is written, the deal has been agreed on with the studio, we are in the stage though where we need to raise the financing," Lemme continued. "It's nothing out of the ordinary. The studio is just the distributor and we are the ones who have to bring the money to the table. So it's a lot of money that we have to raise."

Heffernan then threw in that they were planning on shooting sometime later this year, probably summer. And that they really, truly mean it this time. In fact, Heffernan realized he should probably start growing his mustache (to reprise the role of Trooper Rod Farva, or course), "cause it's gonna take a while."

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